Saturday, October 27, 2007

How not to dance

Evidently I am a good dancer. I do not know if this is true or not. I will tell a story:
tonight is the friday before halloween weekend. Halloween is a busy time here, and a lot of people go out of their way to dress up for the occasion. Also, a lot of people go out of their way to hook up for the occasion. Anyway, I went to a friend's (acquaintance's? I do not know where the line is drawn) party, which also was a slightly late birthday party. Oddly, it was a house party but was not held at this particular friend's house. So, I arrived and planted myself next to the DJ, another friend (less ambiguous here) and slowly began to get my groove on. I will admit that i am not a fantastic dancer in my own mind, but what I lack in skill I make up for with enthusiasm. Well, to cut to the chase, I had a dance off with another guy, and afterward a mutual friend told me I had clearly won. So, i guess i am a good dancer. Unfortunately, I dislike crowded parties and left shortly after the dance off. I met no one new, and specifically skipped potential introductions. Ha-ha, I guess I like dancing but not socializing. I must be a solo act. Sad.

I dressed as a pseudo-rapper from the early '90s. My shirt was gang buttoned. The DJ had a nifty costume that was actually imported from venus.

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