Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Autumn

I believe I only post things in the autumn. It is not because I only think in the autumn. That is unlikely, anyhow. It is porbably because I do not care about the world until the autumn. The autumn makes me nostalgic for what i remember the world being like. I recall that when I was a boy, my father drove me to the moon in his rocket car. We arrived and he introduced me the moon people, a gentle race of aliens who had no word to express the concept of war and only knew how to plant and grow. It was quite admirable especially because Confucius had never been to the moon.

There was also a fantastic trip where my family went to japan to steal the emperors finest hair comb. My two elder brothers were caught in the attempt, and the first was drowned and the second was burned, but thankfully they were each immune to their particular torments and survived. I than went to steal the comb and was caught. The emperor decreed that my head be cut off, but thankfully, my body is proof against swords and as a result I was unharmed. Full of fear of the power my two brothers and I possessed, the emperor gave us all fancy looking hats and invited us to join in a quaint folk dance.

Anyhow, I was describing the autumn. I believe that autumn is where the new year should be located, at the very end of autumn. Thus, autumn is truly not the time of wisdom in the life of a year, when the year is old but still lives, and knows what is true and what is false. If the autumn were a monster, it would swallow us all and we would not survive. It would be quite unpleasant. It would be a wise monster as well, so we would have no chance to defeat it with our feeble earth intellects.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Commentators Beware

I very much doubt anyone reads this blog. Therefore, the question becomes, "Of what use is this blog to me?" None of this stuff will entertain an audience. They are useless words.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

How not to dance

Evidently I am a good dancer. I do not know if this is true or not. I will tell a story:
tonight is the friday before halloween weekend. Halloween is a busy time here, and a lot of people go out of their way to dress up for the occasion. Also, a lot of people go out of their way to hook up for the occasion. Anyway, I went to a friend's (acquaintance's? I do not know where the line is drawn) party, which also was a slightly late birthday party. Oddly, it was a house party but was not held at this particular friend's house. So, I arrived and planted myself next to the DJ, another friend (less ambiguous here) and slowly began to get my groove on. I will admit that i am not a fantastic dancer in my own mind, but what I lack in skill I make up for with enthusiasm. Well, to cut to the chase, I had a dance off with another guy, and afterward a mutual friend told me I had clearly won. So, i guess i am a good dancer. Unfortunately, I dislike crowded parties and left shortly after the dance off. I met no one new, and specifically skipped potential introductions. Ha-ha, I guess I like dancing but not socializing. I must be a solo act. Sad.

I dressed as a pseudo-rapper from the early '90s. My shirt was gang buttoned. The DJ had a nifty costume that was actually imported from venus.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

La La La

I am fantastic at procrastinating. I am doing it right now. But I suppose that I should stop. Well, back to work.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Gigasplicing and You

Hahaha, I must be on drugs, because I came up with the title of this blog. It will certainly only feature a single article [post] before being destroyed, replaced with a new blog with a title that I find attractive initially and repellent mere moments afterward. Or perhaps not replaced at all. This could merely be a temporary thing for me, to be replaced next week with some other bauble. I have been thinking about taking up watercolor painting, as a for example, though I do not believe that I could get to be any good at water coloring. Anyhow, let me go ahead and start the ball rolling with something I was thinking about earlier.

Ubiquitous = present, appearing, or found everywhere
Ambiguous = unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made

I move that these words should mean the same thing. Alternatively, two new words should be created, and these words should be 'Ubiguous' and 'Ambiquitous.' Ubiguous would be derived from ubi- every and -guitous to drive meaning, to go in all directions at once. Likewise, the roots of ambiquitous will be used for a definition, yielding a definition meaning to be located in two places. These words would have no use.

Also, I recently noticed that my hand writing has capital letters interspersed at random. I think I do it unconsciously for emphasis. Usually they are at the beginning of a word. I have seen no exceptions yet, although when I capitalized "I" it was also a capital at the end of the word, so there must be some sort of rule to govern the two. Also, I use however a lot, though I have known about that limitation for quite some time. It is nothing new.

I wonder sometimes whether I remain as creative as I like to think I once was. I try to compose stories or make up songs and either hit a wall just after starting or sing the same verse ten times before giving up when my throat becomes raw. It is true that my voice is not deep enough for me to sing as I would like to. I wonder if anyone ever doses on testosterone or some other steroid in order to lower their voice (instead of to build muscle, as would be typical). I do not know whatmy voice really sounds like. I have heard it recorded, and the sounds I hear when I speak sound radically different. I also think I have the right pitch when I sing, but I have been told I am often off key. Perhaps most people are able to correct their hearing when they hear themselves to match what they actually sound like. Or perhaps i simply hear things in a way that I prefer to hear them. That is a simpler solution to the issue. I have doubts about it being accurate though. I also notice that I did not use the word veracity there. It was at least a semi-concious descision not to use veracity. I wonder why I prefer accurate over veracious. I probably believe that veracious is a lie of a word, the type of word designed to injure the good and aid the wicked.

I wonder what most people think of the world. I think that I am pessimistic and paranoid compared to average, as well as a bit cynical. However, (see I used it) I also think that any cynicism or pessimism I might have has been earned many times over. For example, I find it difficult to use the word veracious. That is how cynical I am. I can't even trust some words because of what I see them as having become.

Oh no a ball has crushed me! It has ben rolling too long, you see. I put this line in at the end, as well as the line in the first paragraph, because I thought that it would make the post flow better. What a fool I am to be concerned with such things. What a fool I am to think that this feeble attempt would aid my rambling narrative.